Profiling of Active Compounds of Extract Ethanol, n-Hexane, Ethyl Acetate and Fraction Ethanol of Star Anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) and Determination of Total Flavonoids, Total phenolics and Their Potential as Antioxidants

  • Mighfar Syukur
  • Masitoh Suryaning Prahasiwi
  • Nurkhasanah
  • Sapto Yuliani
  • Yuliana Purwaningsih
  • Erwin Indriyanti


Identitas Karya Ilmiah : 

Nama Jurnal : Science and Technology Indonesia

p-ISSN : 2580-4405

e-ISSN : 2580-4391

Vol : 8

Nomor : 2

Hal. 219-226

Tanggal terbit : 3 April 2023

Penerbit : Univ. Sriwijaya

How to Cite
Mighfar Syukur, Masitoh Suryaning Prahasiwi, Nurkhasanah, Sapto Yuliani, Yuliana Purwaningsih, & Erwin Indriyanti. (2023). Profiling of Active Compounds of Extract Ethanol, n-Hexane, Ethyl Acetate and Fraction Ethanol of Star Anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) and Determination of Total Flavonoids, Total phenolics and Their Potential as Antioxidants. REPOSITORY STIFAR, 219-226. Retrieved from

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