SPF Activity Sunscreen Spray Gel Ethanol Extract of Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum burmanii Ness. BI, Syn)

  • Wulan K. Sari


This cinnamon bark contains cinnamaldehyde, which is a secondary metabolite compound derived from aldehydes,
including the polyphenolic group, which activity as a sunscreen and antioxidant by absorbing UV rays, so it can protect the
skin from direct sun exposure (sunscreen). The study aimed to determine whether there was an effect of the concentration of
the ethanol extract of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmanii Ness. BI, Syn) on the physical characteristics and SPF value
of spray gel preparations and to determine the concentration of the ethanol extract of cinnamon bark that produced spray gel
with physical characteristics and SPF value. best. The study was conducted by extracting cinnamon bark by the maceration
method using 96 % ethanol for 3 days. The extract obtained was then subjected to phytochemical screening TLC and then
applied to a spray gel preparation with concentrations of FI (10%), FII (15%), and FIII (20%), followed by testing the
activity of sunscreen using the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. The results of phytochemical screening and TLC on the
ethanol extract of cinnamon bark showed positive results for containing flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, steroids, and
antioxidants. The statistical test results showed that there was a difference with a sig value of 0.05. It was concluded that the
ethanol extract of cinnamon bark affected pH, viscosity, spreadability, stickiness, drying time, and SPF value. The formula
that gave the best physical characteristics and SPF value was found in the concentration of sunscreen spray gel: the ethanol
extract of cinnamon bark with a concentration of FIII (20%).

Cinnamon bark ethanol extract, physical characteristics, SPF, spray gel

How to Cite
Wulan K. Sari. (2023). SPF Activity Sunscreen Spray Gel Ethanol Extract of Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum burmanii Ness. BI, Syn) . REPOSITORY STIFAR. Retrieved from https://repository.stifar.ac.id/Repository/article/view/632